What is the difference between lithic contact and lithologic dicontinuity?
What are the criteria for a mollic epipedon?
What are the required characteristics of a fragipan?
What are other clues often observed in a fragipan?
What horizon designation(s) are used for a glossic horizon?
What direction would you have to drive from Martin to encounter a soil formed in residuum?
What soil features are morphologic evidence of residuum?
What landform does unconsolidated coastal plain sediments occur on?
What are the numerical factors for available water calculations and the textures that go with each factor?
What is the clay increase required for an argillic horizon? (there 3 parts to this answer)
What is the difference between Alfisols and Ultisols?
What conditions in an Alfisol qualifies it as an Aqualf?
What can limit the effective soil depth?
What is the sand percentage cut-off between loamy and silty family particle size classes?
If there is no root-limiting layer, no argillic horizon, and the lower boundary of the Ap is above 25 cm, what is the PSCS?
What is the clay% cut-off between fine and coarse loamy?
What is the clay% cut-off between fine and coarse silty?
When do you use a slash (/)?
When do you use an ampersand (&)?
How do you determine infiltration rate?
What are the two great group options within Aquolls?
What is the prefix for human transported material?
What rock fragment percentage is the boundary between very and extremely?
What rock fragment percentage makes it a skeletal FPSC?
What are the great groups for Udults listed in the order that they key out?
What are the great groups for Udalfs listed in the order that they key out?
What are the requirements of the Pale great group of Udults?
What are the requirements of the Pale great group of Udalfs?
What color make an E horizon albic?
What are the criteria for a cambic horizon?
What is the difference between Eutrudepts and Dystrudepts?
When do you use the subordinate distinction "g"?
What other parts of the scorecard are affected by the "g" subordinate distinction?
What diagnostic horizon do Alfisols and Ultisols both have?